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June 13, 2007


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MMMmmmmm....yummy in the tummy....from one ice cream fanatic to another....

sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

you're killing me man! another reason to buy an ice cream machine.
I think we are just jealous because we aren't eating gelato with everyone else in Italy.


you have touched a soft spot in my heart.. chocolate and peanut butter.

My little gift package arrived today.. thanks.. thinking of where to put the tattoo's!

In Italy a popular add-in or on is hot nutella swirls!


Rose - if you're a good girl I'll make some for you when you visit this summer.

Sandi - buy the ice cream maker. Consider it an investment! LOL

Yes, I'd rather be in Italy enjoying daily gelato treats but this is the best I'm going to get.

Judy - I'm glad that the package arrived. I was starting to wonder if it had gone missing. I wonder what the postal service woiuld think about DIVA tattoos?

I'll have to give the nutella swirls a try!

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