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June 25, 2007


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gail hecko

Jerry, I love to make Panna Cotta. My recipe has honey in it, and I glaze the strawberries with ancient balsamic vinegar. Omigosh. Need some now....drooling.... :))


Aaah panna cotta. Heaven on a plate.


Gail - I'm not sure what I enjoy more - strawberries with aged balsamic or honey and cracked pepper. YUM!

Do you share your recipe? I always enjoy using more natural sugars whenever possible . . .

Rob - perhaps if summer ever comes back to Ireland you can try this one out.

BTW - I am finding it impossible to post a comment to your blog.:-( I wanted to post one last night and tried for 20 minutes and gave up. Hmmmm Perhapps I am more technically challenged than I previously thought! LOL

Deb Rountree

WOW, this looks so good Jerry. I think I'll have to try this this weekend!


Hi Jerry,

I think I have it fixed now (the comment thingy on my blog).

Sorry about that - I am quite technically challenged and even the new, improved, so easy a donkey could do it blogger site gives me a headache...


Rob - thanks - I shall go and give it a try!

Deb - let me know how it turns out. Enjoy.

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