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January 11, 2008


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V good info. And yeah wishing you a very happy birthday :-) and many more to come

gail hecko

....and I graduated from high school. I remember watching JFK's speech on TV about the Cuban missile crisis. And I vaguely remember those pull-tops on my BEER CANS!!!

Happy Birthday, Rose!


The birthday gal will check in and read at some point Dhivya. I suspect that she is hung over right now.

Gail - that is why we love you! LOL

sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

You can be relentless! Which is why we keep you close my friend.

I happen to know one of those U2 pilots, who was away from his family while history was being made.


Relentless - moi? LOL I believe the phrase dog with a bone has been used in the past, once or 5 million times.

I seem to recall hearing about this pilot. We shall have to fill you with vino to hear more Sandi!


OMG.......can't wait for my parcel...i'm picking it up tomorrow morning....need that walker and metamucil!


I am not sure either will cure your birthday hangover Rose!

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