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February 04, 2008


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Is it bad that I want to leave work and go home to make this drink?


Absolutely Yummy! This is one of my favourite drinks!


Is it bad that this sounds incredibly yummy to me at 9:42 in the morning? Maybe I should have breakfast before hitting the bottle!


Well, isn't the saying it is 12 noon somewhere? LOL Try it and you'll be hooked! This is the drink which got me hooked on cocktails again.


Ooooh, this does sound yummy! Wonder if I can find Chambord here in Italy???


I was going to say that they have to have Chambord given that Italy is so close to France. However, I remember that in Italy it is always best to expect the unexpected Barb! LOL

Terri Takacs

mmmmmm ~ this is my new FAV drink! I love it with the Grey Goose and maybe a slash of champagne :)


Terri - I have never thought of adding a splash of champagne. Now that sounds REALLY good!

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