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March 22, 2008


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What a beautiful picture you paint with your words!I would have loved to have sat at that table with you! Thanks for joining in on our festa italiana :)


I was day dreaming about your beautiful time in Tuscany! That truely is the sweet life! Thank you for joining us at our Festa and bringing this wonderful dish.


52 days...how exciting!!!

sandi @ whistlestop cafe

Cheers to Montisi!
Bloody Brilliant =D


We'll have to try and recreate another wonderful meal when we're in Italy this spring.

Thanka Maryann and Marie for pulling this all together.

Gail Hecko

Jerry, we'll have MANY wonderful meals like this!

Can't wait, and also counting the days....What fun it is to anticipate.


Anticipation is a huge part of the fun Gail! I can't wait to enjoy our meals together in Italy. Thank goodness Palma will be whipping them up instead of us. LOL


What a gorgeous dish! I've never tried duck--you've made it sound wonderful.


Thanks Mrs W. The duck really makes this dish. It was on the menus of a number of the restaurants in Italy but we never tried it. We will have to rectify that this spring when we are back.

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I know what the taste of duck, I have eaten it was and its delicious and if it will combined with pasta, that was very delicious because both of them are my favorite.. :)

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It's seems it's nothing more than business as usual, try preserve and maintain a sinking ship putting plugs here and there to stop further leaking.I love Jesus, but his bride had better clean up her act if she ever hopes to make to the wedding feast.


Thanks! Great post you have written on "Jamie Oliver's Slow-cooked Duck Pasta". Really I can say that your post is very informative, I'll come across your blog again when you will update it with new.

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