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May 04, 2008


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sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

Mmmmmmmm. The cakes look amazing.
Paul- how do you put up with him????? ;-)


Whatever do you mean Sandi? :-)


Jerry, as yummy as those sound, I was struck by your vacation counter -- only 8 days until you leave?!!!! Oh my God, that's coming up fast (but not fast enough, I'm sure!)

Are you planning to blog during your trip, so we can enjoy Italy vicariously?


Sandra - I do hope to keep the blog up while I am away. The eight days is more than fast enough. I'm starting to panic, my lists are spawning lists. One would think I have never travelled before! LOL


Those little cakes are so cute and very yummy looking.

How exciting - 8 more days!! I know just what you mean about the lists. Although I have 7 more weeks before I leave, I have been avoiding thinking about any of the things I need to do/get prepared. I can't wait to read all about your trip.

Deb R

Those cakes look so yummy! 32 more days for us!


Susan - we'll do our bext to post how things are going!

Deb - the countdowns become infectious don't they?


I like the little oval cakes...sometimes it's just nice to have something a little different, right? They look great.


Best Easter egg grappa sponge cakes anywhere! Seriously, if you want that Pam w/ flour . . .


I agree Kayte! A variation is great. It was fascinating to see what the different slowbakers did with the recipe.

Hmm Marcia - I shall have to PM you!

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