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June 28, 2008


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Jerry, I confess to being an Indy fan myself! And it was great to see Marian Ravenwood again (and Indiana Jones with a woman his own age) I also like Mutt, a nice mix of cockiness and clumsiness.

The only element that caused some eyerolling on my part, came at the very end. I'm afraid of saying too much and being a spoiler, but I think Steven Spielberg dipped a bit too much into his past movie greats. (Irina call home?)


Do you think that Mutt will take off as the 'new Indy". I liked the way they allowed him to take many of the action sequences that Indy might normally have done. Sort of passing the torch.

Eyerolling? Don't you think it could happen? I thouight it was quite plausible! LOL


Yes, I think Mutt will be the new Indy...a great way to go with all that.

Nice review.

Sometimes you just have let the eyes roll and enjoy that for what it is...LOL.


That is the best thing about summer blockbusters - you don't need to think - just let loose and enjoy yourself.

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