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July 15, 2008


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It seems you have lots to celebrate, Jerry! Happy, happy birthday (altho it seems that that has been well taken care of!)

And that's great news about Victor, I hope he's on the mend (he looks very content in that photo!)


Happy Birthday, Jerry.... Late wishes though. It sounds like you had a wonderful celebration.

Victor is well-loved and here are all the best wishes for a full recovery. Keep the blood count up!


Thanks Sandra - Victor was actually a happy kitty on the weekend. We never let him outside but figured - he is dieing anyway - why not? He LOVED it. If he gets better we will have created a little feline monster I think.

Thanks Eden!

Brad'll Do It

(Sorry if this posts twice; the first attempt came back with an error message.)

Happy Birthday, Jerry! How does one become "overserved" if it's self-service? Hmmm.


Happy birthday to you and I'm so happy that your kitty is doing better.

María I.

I'm so happy to read that Victor is better now. That's probably the best b-day present you got!

Belated Feliz Cumpleaños!


Jerry, so glad you had good news about Victor on your birthday. The dinner and drinks and presents look fabulous.


Brad - Paul made the amrtinis. I did the rest of the overserving! LOL

Thanks Annie and Maria.

Krista - you're right about the best birthday gift!

Ice Tea For Me

Happy Birthday Jerry!! Looks like you enjoyed your evening even if they weren't your original plans.

I hope everything works out for Victor.


Belated happy birthday! May your 44th year be (one of) your best! Good news about the cat too. I often find myself overserved. How can something that feels so good at the time be so miserable the next day?


Thanks Linda - Victor had a great check up today.

Marion - it just isn't fair, is it? Especially on your birthday. ARGH


Happy belated Jerry.... hugs to Victor...hope he continues to feel well....

you were wondering how some folks find your blog.. well, today I was googling recipes for Empire Cookies...that's how I came to be here... just a hop from that page to your Main...and voila...I'z here!


That is too funny BumbleVee - I LOVE those cookies BTW - a bit of my grandmother!


Happy Birthday really late...I am having trouble keeping up with Jerryville News this summer...so I have little marathon sessions of catching up...this is one of those sessions! Looks like it was a happy one!


Thanks Kayte - I've noticed that all blog traffic has dropped off a bit in the summer. Could it be thta we're away from our computers and enjoying life a bit? If that is the case then it is a good thing in my books!

feng shui

The post looks funny and interesting.
Belated Happy birthday wishes and regarding about feng shui, it will make you have more prosperity, financial abundance and wealth


Thanks 'feng shui'!

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