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July 05, 2008


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Cindy Ruth

Jerry-Thanks for posting. I hate to admit how few of these I knew. And that's interesting that AK doesn't have common house flies. I wonder what kind of flies we do have, because they are definately here. Big and small ones!


You did better than me! I got 10 right...only 1 more than the Canada quiz. You're a tough teacher!


Well, apparently I know less about my adopted country than my birthplace. I only got 15 of these. Good grief Jerry, some of these were really obscure! Cool to learn about though!


Obscure? Do you think so? Hmmm

Cindy Ruth - I wondered about that fly one as well - I would assume that there are house flies evgerywhere! LOL

Jill - good to know that you did better than on the Canadian quiz!

Laura - it is tough to keep those Canadian years at bay.


Good thing they do not ask all these stuff when one applies for U S citizenship. I would have flunked!!! LOL

Oh, Cindy Ruth, I was getting very impressed when I read about no flies in AK. So you do have some... never mind then. :)

Jill, I am impressed with 10 right. I am not even saying how I scored... embarrasingly LOW!


Eden - the citizenship test is challenging too! I used a part of it on last year's test.


You did a great job...not being American and all! I had the distinct advantage of being a history major...LOL. Unfair advantage, right? I missed number 8 because I could only come up with 6 of the names and number 22 because I only got four of the countries correct. Not bad at all for someone who daily thinks maybe Alzheimer's is setting in for the number of normal everyday things I manage to forget...LOL. Thanks for posting this...it was fun.


Kayte - I think that you did better than anyone else! Well done! Gold star for you . . .

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