232 years ago the United States of America was created. Immediately challenged by war, it defeated the mightiest nation on the planet at the time to truly gain its independence. While there are those who may make snide comments about Americans (with a baboon as a President who could you not . . . .hmmm . . . we have Stephen Harper. I shall shut up now!) you can't fault the influence that the US has had on world history and economic growth over the past 200 years.
Last year we had the privilege of celebrating the fourth of July with the folks of Deer Isle, Maine - it was wonderful to gather with them to watch the parade that was representative of the community and its history.
Later we gathered in a church basement for a lobster lunch. Ummmmmmm mom LOVES lobster.
That evening we went out with Captain Bill and the gang on his boat into Stonington Harbour where we watched in awe as the fireworks shot into the sky, the colours reflecting upon the inky water and the bangs reverberating off of the cliffs. It was an amazing day
So, in honour of my friends south of the bnorder, here is a trivia quiz . . .
1. Where is the only royal palace in the U.S.?
2. What state in the U.S. has the smallest population?
3. What current state of the U.S. was once owned by another state?
4. What is the first place in the continental U.S. on which each morning's sun shines?
5. What is the only city in the U.S. which is named after a radio or TV show?
6. Where was the first American "skid row"--New York, Seattle, Chicago, or St. Louis?
7. What part of the U.S. was originally known as the state of Frankland, or Franklin?
8. Were any signers of the Declaration of Independence foreign-born?
9. What is the oldest city in the U.S.?
10. What is the tallest mountain in the U.S.?
11. What's the windiest site in the U.S.?
12. Which U.S. city has the longest subway system--San Francisco, Chicago, Philadelphia, or New York?
13. Which three states are named after famous women?
14. What two states are surrounded and touched by the most other states?
15. Parts of what two states were included in the Gadsden Purchase?
16. What is the only state in the U.S. without houseflies?
17. Why was 1 Cherry Street, New York City, important in American history?
18. Of which state has it been said, "It's a good state for the shape it's in"?
19. What is the most popular place-name in America?
20. Was there ever a state or territory named after Thomas Jefferson?
21. What American city was called "the Paris of the Colonies"?
22. Which were the first six foreign countries to officially recognize the existence of the U.S.?
23. What official U.S. coin has never been minted?
24. Who were the first two women ever elected to Congress, and which political party did each represent?
25. What great American lake was formed by accident in 1905-1907?
26. Not counting Alaska, what state in the U.S. is the farthest north?
27. What state in the nation is adjoined or touched by only one other state?
28. Has any one of the Great Lakes ever been completely frozen over?
29. What area in Colorado is not part of the U.S. for three days a year?
30. What is the only state in the Union to have lived under six different flags?
The answers coming tomorrow . . .
Nice memories...and yep, I'm with "Mom" as there is NOTHING like eating fresh caught lobster in Maine...nothing.
Posted by: Kayte | July 12, 2008 at 08:46 AM
We loved it so much that we're planning on going back next year - we may even stay for two weeks this time!
Posted by: Jerry | July 12, 2008 at 08:44 PM