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July 21, 2008


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S for Kitchen Confit

What a marvelous looking cheesecake slice!


Thanks S - you should give it a shot!


I made this for my parents last week, and it was, according to my Dad, "extra good". I also cooked it longer to get the sour cream to set. The strawberry glaze was simple to make, and it finishes it off nicely. I am not a baker, but I would make this again.


Looks good!

I guess I'll wait for Christmas.
Part of it is the anticipation for me! Once a year whether I need it or not.

Deb R

Oh my, I get to have "virtual" dessert. I have had anything sweet in five weeks. I'm agonizing!


Deb - after a surgery such as your a virtual dessert si all you can manage. I hope it works out for you - I could never manage it myself! *smile*

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