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July 20, 2008


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Cindy Ruth

Jerry-I also had trouble getting mine to cook in the center. I did use a 10" pan, and had to cook it at least 10 min. longer. Unfortunately, that made the cake a little dry around the outside. I liked the citrus flavor, but would probably use a different recipe next time. Also, I don't know about you, but I find I almost always have to cook Gina's recipes longer than stated, and I rarely have to do that on other recipes.

sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

Yours is beautiful!
The polenta gave it a very different flavor. For me... but then we southerners know our cornbread.


Cindy Ruth _ I'm going to have to try it again to see what I did wrong. I am so peverse that I will not allow a recipe to defeat me! *smile*

Sandi - it would have been far better without the damn hole in the middle! ARGH Oh well, the taste was amazing.

Cindy Ruth

Let me know if you figure it out. I wonder if it has something to do with overbeating. I'd have to look up on the web or in a cake cookbook to see what they say. You're more dedicated than me, because I tend to not make the recipe again if it doesn't turn out. But I would make a nice cake and add the 3 zests like this and the same glaze.


LOL - Jerry the cake looks great - a neat way to get around the centre not cooking is to bake the cake in a bundt mould - no centre, no problem...

Definitely must give this a try.

María I.

Your cake is beautiful! Mine is gone but I still remember a few things. After 30 minutes of baking the center was still not done so I left it in the oven for 15 more minutes. I used regular polenta so it had a gritty texture but the flavor was so amazing that we didn't mind.

Like Cindy, I always had to extend the baking time on all the DI recipes. By now I use the baking time as a mere suggestion and use the finger poking and the cake tester as a measure of doness (is that a word?)


Cindy - I am always game for an investigation.

Robert - awesome idea about a bundt pan. I will try that first!

Thanks Maria. I think it is the baking temperature. Most of the baking I do is 350. Her recipes are all 325.

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