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July 27, 2008


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Cindy Ruth

Jerry-Your Taralli look wonderful! Glad you liked the recipe. I just made an amendment to my blog and decided that I liked these. I like that you describe them more bagel-like, and Palma describes the texture as the flaky-crunch of a pie crust. I always loved the flavor, just didn't think the texture was the way they were supposed to be. Also, I liked them best within a few days of baking, rather than a week later. I said they weren't my favorite, but I don't even have one left, and I think I was the one that ate almost all of them!


Cindy - I really think it was the flour that made mine difficult to roll (that and the fact that I didn't put in as much wine as I should because I didn't read the recipe properly! ARGH). I shall have to experiment some more.

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