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August 05, 2008


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Ice Tea For Me

Oh this is too funny Jerry. Someday when I get off my duff and email blogger as to why I can't get my Site Meter working I too will be able to see how people get to my blog... if I have anyone even looking at my blog is a better question.

Until then I will continue to enjoy yours...


Isn't technology wonderful . . . the odd time it works as expected! LOL

Sandra Ree

lol, great post, Jerry!


Q; What blog entry will make me laugh my head off?

This is great (and I always love the Savage Chickens)

I'm especially intrigued by the person looking for the velocity of a flying house; and directions on making your own Indian spear!

sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

What no Brittany Spears? No thong talk? You must be attracting an older crowd these days.


Funny post, Jerry. Hmm, I actually have an Indian spear, well actually arrow which I made with my own hands... Maybe I can help that "googler" LOL.

Nude beach? Alfas? Zucchinis? Cheesecakes? Wow, what (dirt) are you blogging about in your sparetime, Jerry, that would initiate these keywords???


OMG! I laughed until I cried. Way too funny! We actually found your blog through slowtravel, now I am a huge fan. Thanks!


Thanks Sandra Ree - it was time for some smiles!

Sandra - aren't they odd search requests? I guess some folk will search for anything. Sad that they get struck in my blog though! LOL

Sandi - you're here aren't you? LOL

Eden - the odd bits and bobs of my mind are a scary thing. Perhaps at the Palm Desert GTG you can show how that spear was made . . . .

Thanks Stacy - I'll have to pop on over and check out your blog!


OMG, so funny!

But this one worries me:

"wind speed at which house fly can't land"

I have visions of some mad scientist-type making a ceiling fan with hurricane force speeds!


Funny! I was reading this without my full brain working (long stressful week) and when I first read "wind speed at which house fly can't land", I read it as the wind speed which a house lands (like in the Wizard of Oz house landing)! Now that would really be weird. I think that means it is time to turn off my computer for the night.


Annie - it is an od done isn't it. I had the same visions as you. Great minds think alike.

Susan - clearly back to work has been a hectic transition! Grrrr

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