Long time readers of this space will know that I have some fascination with how folks arrive at my blog. Typepad has a neat feature that allows me to track how people arrive here. Lots of folks arrive here from my posts at the slowtravel website, others from links on friends blogs, the rest through internet searches.
Here is a list of some of the phrases that people have used and ended up on this site. More often than not they were to leave disappointed because the blog didn't have what they were looking for. You have to admit - after 587 posts there are quite a few combinations of phrases here and google searches them all.
Anyway, here are some of the more interesting search phrases from the month of July:
How to make someone obay spell
What sort of sick person searches for spells on the internet? Back up - what sort of person thinks that spells are real? Clearly someone who is unable to spell . . .
Obay parents in old age
Another searcher who is challenged by spelling. Perhaps if you could spell your kids might be willing to go along with you a bit.
Directions on making your own indian spear
WTF? Enough said!
Jaime Oliver’s zucchini
Bad searcher! Bad! This is a family blog and we use no genitalia metaphors here at all.
meat that goes well with pumpkin
Ummmm . . . . none?
"gorgonzola cream sauce" and "low fat"
There is nothing low-fat about gorgonzola sauce. Another bad searcher. At least this confused soul knows HOW to search effectively!
martha stewart pork tenderloin cream cheese
Bizarre and rather nasty sounding IMHO.
thoughts on cheesecake
What a silly search.Cheesecake is good. There you have my thoughts on cheesecake. Clearly they were looking for more but what more is there to say?
what to serve with blue cheese crusted steak
This one bugged me. Surely to goodness if you have the culinary ability to whip up a blue cheese encrusted steak you might be able to figure what vegetable to serve with it. Bizarre.
Italian country moms
I'm not sure what this person was looking for at all. I hope it isn't an euphanism for somehting nasty.
decorated wine, martini classes
I assume that the 'classes' was a typo . . .
how many suitcases fit in an Alfa Romeo 147
Not enough. Why worry about it - you never get the model of car you book so let it go.
boozes in french martini
boozes? boozes? If this is what you type you don't deserve a french martini!
beautiful queen games-italy traditional games
Hmmmm . . . what sort of games are those Italians up to now?
Which were the first six foreign countries to officially recognize the existence of the U.S
I actually blogged this one. I really did. The answer is France recognized the U.S. in 1778, England and Sweden in 1783, the Netherlands in 1785, Prussia in 1786, Morocco in 1787. (Russia recognized the U.S. in 1809.)
calories in duffs wing
Enough with questions about chicken wings and calories. Stop already. You're eating fried chicken skin. Each wing has a gazillion calories. If you feel the need to answer the question you probably should be eating them. There - my public safety announcement.
calories in sangster jamaican rum
ARGH Rum cream isn't for diets. See editorial comment above.
wind speed at which house fly can't land
I was actually interested in the answer to this one. Does anyone know? Lord knows I have never blogged about something this scientific.
blogs with photos of Hanlan's Point nude beachtoronto
Again with the dirty thoughts. Anyone looking for racy pics on my poor blog was surely disappointed.
There you have the weird and the bizarre. The sad thing is that most of these folk left disappointed but if they only knew how to search more wisely they would have had better results. The ability to search the internet intelligently is a new life skill - scratch the tying of shoes (thank you velcro) and add googling!
Oh this is too funny Jerry. Someday when I get off my duff and email blogger as to why I can't get my Site Meter working I too will be able to see how people get to my blog... if I have anyone even looking at my blog is a better question.
Until then I will continue to enjoy yours...
Posted by: Ice Tea For Me | August 05, 2008 at 07:20 PM
Isn't technology wonderful . . . the odd time it works as expected! LOL
Posted by: Jerry | August 05, 2008 at 08:43 PM
lol, great post, Jerry!
Posted by: Sandra Ree | August 05, 2008 at 09:42 PM
Q; What blog entry will make me laugh my head off?
This is great (and I always love the Savage Chickens)
I'm especially intrigued by the person looking for the velocity of a flying house; and directions on making your own Indian spear!
Posted by: sandrac | August 05, 2008 at 10:05 PM
What no Brittany Spears? No thong talk? You must be attracting an older crowd these days.
Posted by: sandi @ the whistlestop cafe | August 05, 2008 at 11:36 PM
Funny post, Jerry. Hmm, I actually have an Indian spear, well actually arrow which I made with my own hands... Maybe I can help that "googler" LOL.
Nude beach? Alfas? Zucchinis? Cheesecakes? Wow, what (dirt) are you blogging about in your sparetime, Jerry, that would initiate these keywords???
Posted by: Eden | August 05, 2008 at 11:53 PM
OMG! I laughed until I cried. Way too funny! We actually found your blog through slowtravel, now I am a huge fan. Thanks!
Posted by: Stacy | August 06, 2008 at 06:56 PM
Thanks Sandra Ree - it was time for some smiles!
Sandra - aren't they odd search requests? I guess some folk will search for anything. Sad that they get struck in my blog though! LOL
Sandi - you're here aren't you? LOL
Eden - the odd bits and bobs of my mind are a scary thing. Perhaps at the Palm Desert GTG you can show how that spear was made . . . .
Thanks Stacy - I'll have to pop on over and check out your blog!
Posted by: Jerry | August 06, 2008 at 08:47 PM
OMG, so funny!
But this one worries me:
"wind speed at which house fly can't land"
I have visions of some mad scientist-type making a ceiling fan with hurricane force speeds!
Posted by: Annie | August 08, 2008 at 04:01 PM
Funny! I was reading this without my full brain working (long stressful week) and when I first read "wind speed at which house fly can't land", I read it as the wind speed which a house lands (like in the Wizard of Oz house landing)! Now that would really be weird. I think that means it is time to turn off my computer for the night.
Posted by: girasoli | August 09, 2008 at 03:38 AM
Annie - it is an od done isn't it. I had the same visions as you. Great minds think alike.
Susan - clearly back to work has been a hectic transition! Grrrr
Posted by: Jerry | August 09, 2008 at 06:57 AM