My series on the Canadian election continues . . .
Already we have looked at some reasons why Stephen Harper is not deserving of your vote, we have examined some of his telling quotes, and we have reviewed the disdain he has for the arts (a position he reversed today on the campaign trail when it proved to be problematic for him in Quebec). Today let's move our lens and examine Harper's relationship with Canada's most populous province and the economic engine that has driven the country for years. . . . Ontario.
The cartoon above says it all - Ontario seems to missing from Harper's myopic view. In fact, the province only seems to matter to Harper when he wants votes in an election. You forget that he was born and raised here. It looks as if when he moved west he wallowed at the trough of Albertan hatred of Ontario and Eastern Canada.
Since Harper was sworn into office in February 2006, his government's economic policies have delivered a series of deadly blows to the Ontario economy. Harper and his finance minister (and failed Ontario Finance Minister) Jim Flaherty have focused on the selling of natural resources which drove the Canadian dollar up, particular against the American dollar.
You can guess what happened. Purchase orders for Ontario goods and services dried up. Factories closed, lay-offs became commonplace. Did Harper and his government attempt to support Ontario. No. Instead Flaherty commenced a campaign against Ontario and the liberal government. Infact, six months ago Flaherty said this: "if you're going to make a new business investment in Canada and you're concerned about taxes, the last place you will go is the province of Ontario." Words which would gain the confidence of investors everywhere.
Why did Flaherty take this unprecedented attack on Ontario's government? Because Ontario was refusing to lower corporate taxes. In Ontario we already have amongthe lowest corporate taxes in the world. Lowering them further won't help. Eventually we will need schools, roads, ambulances, and hospitals. When Flaherty was finance minister in Ontario his government focused on lowering taxes, claiming that lower taxes stimulated the economy. What did we discover - lower taxes left a huge deficit. The low-tax mantra of the neo-cons is nothing but poppycock.
Clearly the Ontario economy has been hit hard of late. The major impact has been on the province’s manufacturing sector, which has lost 100,000 jobs since January 2006. Statistics Canada reported, in July, 2008, the Canadian economy lost 55,000, the most in 17 years, including 95,000 private sector jobs. The manufacturing sector in Ontario alone lost 41,000 jobs.
The Conservatives have claimed that their preferred response is to cut taxes, rather than “picking corporate winners and losers” through public investments in private sector industries. Numerous observers however have pointed out that this claim isn’t consistent with the government’s actions, which have included the funneling of more than half a billion dollars for “long-term development” in communities in Quebec.
This anti-Ontario campaign has taken other forms:
On Democratic representation:
The Conservative government’s Bill C-22, introduced in November of 2007, seeks to reallocate the number of seats representing each province in Parliament. The bill allocates ten new seats to Ontario, just half of what a fair redistribution would deliver based on that province’s population growth relative the rest of the country. Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty protested the bill and, for his concern, was accused of being the “small man of Confederation" by Ontario Conservative Member of Parliament and Federal Government House Leader Peter Van Loan.
On Funding for Cities:
The Federation of Canadian Municipalities represents hundreds of communities large and small. Dozens of them are in Ontario, including Toronto, Windsor, Hamilton and Ottawa. On November 20th, 2007 the FCM released a report outlining its analysis of the amount of funding required to bring the infrastructure of Canada’s cities and communities – roads, sewers, water systems – up to modern standards. Their total: $123 billion.
Finance Minister Jim Flaherty countered that the Conservative government was not in the “pothole business” and labelled municipal leaders “whiners.”
It boogles my mind that this government would hope to be re-elected with such a record. It is disgraceful that they would make such disparaging comments. When Ontario prospers, Canada prospers. When Ontario falters, look out.
It is yet another example of Harper's politics - divide, pit one group against another, focus on the negative, fear monger, and hope you get reelected.
Well, Stephen Harper, I can't think of a worst place to place MY support than by voting for you and the odious folks running with you for election.
Shame and shame on those who support this nonsense.
Well said, Jerry! Since 2002 Canada has lost about 353,000 manufacturing jobs. There have been offsets but the sector, which is primarily in Ontario and Quebec, has taken a pounding.
So it's totally bizarre how Harper and the Tories have it in for central Canada -- esepcially given how desperately the Tories need votes in this region!
Posted by: sandrac | October 08, 2008 at 09:51 PM
I thought you might appreciate this...Apple plans to release new laptops on October 14th, this was one of the comments:
"I knew it Steven Harper is in league with apple. He got them to put the event on voting day in Canada so no one shows up to vote! damn he's good. Don't forget to vote strategically my friends"
Posted by: girasoli | October 09, 2008 at 07:25 PM
Sandra - it makes fr great wedge votes in Western Canada. I just don't know why the Ontario MPs stand up for it. I admire Bill casey for the stand that he took!
Girasoli - that bloody Harper is far more diabolical than I even thought. *smile* Has Karl Rove come to Canada?
Posted by: Jerry | October 09, 2008 at 09:21 PM
I'm sure they are all in cahoots somehow. Ya know, you bettcha, our Alaska Gov VP candidate is just soooo close to the foreign country of Canada.
Posted by: girasoli | October 10, 2008 at 01:47 AM
She must be an expert on all things Canadian. Palin is a train wreck! She can dress a moose though - that has to can't for somehting *smile*
Posted by: Jerry | October 10, 2008 at 09:34 AM