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November 08, 2008


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they look so together n at peace :)


took me 12 times to pass yr typepad comment 'gate' :)

sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

... or yin and yang


Aren't they sweet? Cats have a knack for visual demonstration of the word together, don't they?


Kitty togetherness is the best. They could teach us humans a few things :)


Kitty togetherness is the best. They could teach us humans a few things :)

Mrs. Mecomber

Awwwwww! So soft and fuzzy and warm.

I did "together" today, too. I hope you can visit and leave your link. :)

Mrs. Mecomber

Barb Cabot

This is such a sweet and cozy shot of togetherness.


Jerry, they are adorable!! I love the way cats curl up so close together to sleep.

I had to laugh at bengbeng's comment. I occasionally wonder if I need my eyes tested when trying to type the correct code on some of the blogs. It is a great way to keep "the mind" alert :)


Great photo, Jerry -- definitely togetherness.


Nice photo, Jerry. I love that... and I am not even a cat-person. LOL


These guys have their moments - sometimes I think they try and be cute on purpose! LOL

Thanks for popping by on photohunt Saturday!


It IS like the yin and yang symbol! Love this photo - perfect for this week's theme.


Annie - isn't it just like a couple ot prima donna kitties to pose for the camera!

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