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November 10, 2008


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Wow -- I'm surprised! It sounds very good. I had low expectations, just given how hard I thought it would be for the play to live up to the decades of hype around the movie. Glad you enjoyed it!


I grew up watching the Sound of Music. I think they played it yearly on TV. It is one of my favorite musicals, although I must say I was crushed when I first found out that the Vonn Trapp family did not actually escape over the mountains. Of course if I knew my geography better back then, I would have figured that out on my own.

Too bad I am not near Toronto. I would love to see the production there. I enjoyed your review.


Sandra - you should pop by and see it when you're next in TO.

Girasoli - it is a shame you live so far away because I bet you'd quite like this show.

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