It has been a tough week for us. On Monday Victor, a constant feline companion of ours for the past nine years, died.
Just typing 'good bye Victor . . .' was enough bring on a wave of sadness.
Victor has been in seemingly great health since his illness in the summer but when we woke up on Monday he seemed a bit 'off' (that being the technical term). We decided to see how he was later when we got home from work; if he still wasn't his normal self we'd take him to the vets.
We hoped for the best, but when we got home he was hiding in a closet - always a sign that something is wrong with cats.
Our vet is great and took us the same day.
We spent a long time in the examination room. Victor had a thorough examination and when the vet came back to tell us the results we knew it was bad news. Sure enough he had a critically low red blood cell count, his heart was in jeopardy, his kidney's failing, and he had an severe infection. The poor guy had nothing left . . .
Even knowing that didn't make the decisions we had to make any easier. He just sat there and looked up at us while we discussed what needed to be done. It was heartbreaking. Thank goodness the vet has a ready supply of tissues.
The vet talked us through what needed to be done. We completed the paperwork - all the while holding Victor and telling him how much we have valued his presence in our lives all of these years.
Then we said goodbye for the last time and blindly walked back to the car.
Even knowing that you were doing the right thing doesn't make it any easier.
Pets give you unconditional affection. They ask for food, shelter, and attention when they want it. In return they don't judge, criticize, or tell you that you are embarrassing them. In fact, in many respects they make the perfect companion! For a cat, Victor was unusual - he craved attention and followed you from room to room. Actually, he was a bit of a suck. *smile*
It has been really tough on Beckett. When we got home from the vets he ran to the now empty kitty carrier, expecting to see his pal. All week we have caught him staring at the spots that Victor had called 'his' for minutes on end, as if he is waiting for his friend to reappear.
Then we realized that Beckett has never been alone his entire life. He sure misses his pal.
We do too.
This our last shot of Victor. On Sunday Paul was putting together a new shelf for the shower. Victor, ever the curious one, had to hop up and inspect the entire process.

Finally, one last shot of Victor and Beckett, taken on Saturday. Victor had hopped up on the chair for a nap. Beckett was felling lonely so he hopped up too and wedged himself next to Victor. Becket always did this when he needed some attention. I remember when we got Beckett we were worried that the two cats would fight - the exact opposite happened and they seemed to revel in one another's company.

Remember to let your loved ones, feline, canine, or otherwise, know how much you appreciate them because you never know when you'll be separated.
Good bye buddy, you are missed.