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January 23, 2009


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Nice tribute to Victor! I've been thinking of you guys since I heard. Chin up...remember the good times.


Aw, Jerry, you make me cry. I am so sorry for your loss but you write a nice tribute. Take care.


I am so sorry. I know how hard it is to say good-bye to them. Godspeed Victor.


Jerry, I am so sorry for your loss. Our loss, too -- I have enjoyed hearing of Victor's adventures and always enjoyed the photos of he and Beckett.

You have written a wonderful valediction to a life clearly well-lived. I hope Beckett will be alright.

sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

Jerry & Paul~ you know my heart goes out to you. We only recently had to go through the same thing with Fancy. It is the hardest thing I have ever one in my life!
We are still overcome with moments of sadness. That is the price we pay for being humans.
I'd give y'all a big southern hug if I were any closer.



So sorry to hear about Vitor. Hugs to you, Paul, and Becket too. Take care.

Barb Cabot

Jerry and Paul, Please accept my deepest condolences for this great loss you are suffering. I know the loss of Victor is devastating and leaves a deep hole in your home lives. One expects in someways that our dear animal family members will always be there keeping a chair or spot on the bed warm. My heart feels your pain and saddens me greatly. He is in heaven now, no pain and happily romping around. I hope that image will somehow help you. I'm so very sorry for your loss.



Hugs to you guys and Beckett.


Jerry, I am crying as I write this. I have such a soft spot in my heart for our little furry friends, it makes me so sad to see someone lose such a special part of their lives.

I know you and Paul gave Beckett a wonderful home. I also know there is a hole in your heart right now.

I am thinking of you.


And, of course, stupid me, I said Beckett rather than Victor. Sorry!


Jerry I'm so sorry to hear about Victor. This is a nice write up. It is so tough to lose a loved one especially so fast. I hope you and Paul take a moment to celebrate Victor. We had a long teary night when our cat had to be put down. Hugs to you, Paul and Becket.


I'm so sorry to hear about Victor. My heart breaks for you and Paul and also for Beckett. Losing a family member is always so difficult. Sending hugs your way.


Thanks for all of your kind words and support. We are trying to walk that find line between remembering, celebrating, and becoming out-and-out maudlin. It is a good thing, perhaps, that we are heading to California next week for a wee break.

Kathryn Gerth

What a heartbreaker. It was really nice to have had that last Christmas with Victor, yes? It is amazing how deeply pets affect us...it gives us that chance in life to each and every day care for something with no hope of anything for ourselves...oh, it comes, the devotion and love, but basically, we do it for that reason alone and that makes us better people in the long run. Your tribute to Victor was lovely. He will be with you always.

Kathy (Trekcapri)

Jerry, I'm very sorry to hear about Victor. This is a wonderful post remembering him and what he meant to all of you. I still remember the New Year's photo with their cute little hats. You will have great memories of him in your hearts and that will be forever.

Take care.

Cindy Ruth

Jerry-I'm catching up on reading blogs, and just saw your post. I'm so soory to hear about Victor. It is so hard to lose a loved pet. I'm glad the time you had with him was so special.


Kathryn - you're right. We were lucky to have some extra quality time with the little guy. Thanks heavens we made the best of it.

Thanks Kathy and Cindy!



I am so sorry to hear about Victor!


Kathy (kaydee)

Jerry and Paul, I was so sorry to read about precious Victor. It seemed so sudden. How wonderful to have some photos of the last few days. Pets are so special!


Thanks Sheri.

Kathy - if we had known we might have taken the time to do some better ones! *smile*


I am soo sorry about Victor. It seems no matter how old we get, and how many pets we have in our lifetime, to lose one gets harder each time. Victor had life not enough animals get to lead. You and Paul gave that to him. Give Beckett lots of hugs for me he is going to be so lonely.

María I.

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. My heart goes out to you, Paul and Beckett. I know how hard it is to say our last good-byes to a faithful companion. Victor will be in your hearts and the memories and moments you've shared will live with you forever.

Sending hugs to you, Paul and Beckett.


Thanks Kendall - I knwo that you have had a tough time recently with your pets as well. Saying good bye never gets any easier.

Thanks Maria. We appreciate the thoughts (even Beckett on some level! :-)


Jerry, I am so sorry to hear that you've lost your beloved Victor. What a difficult decision it is to let a pet go. And poor Beckett, it's amazing how attached cats will get to each other. I love that photo of the two of them in the chair, what a blessing to have such wonderful photos to remember Victor by!

Sending prayers and hugs, Anne

Gail Hecko

Jerry, I know I've told you this before, but Victor looks exactly like my beloved Bubba (well, he was a Southern kitty).

I miss him every day of my life.

I think Beckett needs a kitten....


Thanks Anne - Victor was such a character that we have 100s of photos . . . lots of memories there!

Gail - I suspect that when we return from our travels we will have to get a kitten to keep Beckett company. Bubba is a great name for a cat! I love it!

Deb R

Oh Jerry I am so sorry for loss of your pet Victor. I just read this today. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.


Jerry, just reading this made be weep. My husband and I had to put our baby girl Riley to sleep one year ago in December. It was the single worst day of my life. Our pets are our babies. They give us unconditional love and never judge. I don't miss Riley any less today than I did that horrible day we said goodbye. Hugs to you two and Beckett.


Thanks Deb and Nancy.

It is strange how the loos pops back into view at the odddest moments. Over time it gets better but it never goes away.

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