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January 31, 2009


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Great shot. I love Italian cats. When I visit the stray cats of Venice, they make me a little homesick for my girls too.

I hope that you're having a wonderful time in CA!

sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

I seem to remember y'all becoming attached to a certian cat in Montisi too!

Mrs. Mecomber

I've never seen anything but New York cats. I'd just love to see Roman cats!

I hope you get a chance to visit!

Happy weekend!


I love petting and photographing Italian cats.

Have a great time in Paso!

Alice Audrey

LOL, talk about a cat lover!


Very nice!


I guess the cat is happy to be cutled with :)


I love seeing cats in Italy. They seem to be everywhere. Nice photo for the theme this week :)


Thanks for visiting on photohunt Saturday!


do Italian cats purr in Italian? lol..Cute photo! My hunt is up, please come visit when you can!


do Italian cats purr in Italian? lol..Cute photo! My hunt is up, please come visit when you can!


do Italian cats purr in Italian? lol..Cute photo! My hunt is up, please come visit when you can!

Biker Betty

Great furry photo. We don't travel much, but when we do and I spot a dog, I miss ours terribly. Have a great week.


Powers - they do but their meows are a bit different.

We're like that as well Biker Betty - miss the guys when we're away and always find time to visit with pets we see along the way.

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