« Tell Me About Canada . . . | Main | We Made it! »

January 28, 2009


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I can't stand it -- a chunnel from Canada to China? Legalizing staplers?

Mind you, I suspect Rick Mercer could probably find a lot of Canadians that would say the same things (yay, we finally legalized daily newspapers!)

Hope you have a wonderful trip, and bring back some good man-on-the-street interviews!


I sure you could do a "What we don't know about Canada" video at the Slow Bowl, but we would look better than these people!

See you soon!


LOL! I hang my head in shame.

Kathryn Gerth

OMW, I am laughing hysterically at every single bit of this. Very funny...we won't go further than that...LOL. Thanks for the giggles.


You have to love Rick Mercer - this bit actually spawned an entire TV show that was called 'Talking to Americans'. It was much fun. We cancelled it after 9-11 when it was no longer appropriate to mock our friends south of the border.

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