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January 29, 2009


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OMG! The picture of the airport strikes terror deep into my heart!
Yeah, once you've been in First Class it's hard to go back... But however did you manage to use points? I've been trying and trying.... sigh...

Have a great holiday/whatever in the warmth!

Brad'll Do It

Jerry, you sound like you're already mellowed out, and you just got off the plane, but I guess a bottle of wine will certainly facilitate mellowness. We are SO looking forward to seeing you and Paul in Paso Robles tomorrow. Enjoy THE CITY, as SF is so affectionately known, and have a glass (or two) for me. Fino a domani....


Jerry, glad to hear that you and Paul arrived safe and sound (and happy!)

I'll be interested in hearing much more about your hotel and any restaurant reviews, for my upcoming trip to The City (as Brad -- and my brother in SF -- refer to it!)

And isn't BART great?

Cindy Ruth

Jerry-Glad you and Paul had such a nice flight to SF. Have a fun trip, and enjoy the warmer weather. And have a glass of wine for me also-sure wish I could join you all. And I agree-first is so nice. I fly a lot on Alaska Air for my job, so I'm able to fly first on most trips. When I have to sit in coach, I feel as if it just isn't right. I admit it-I'm spoiled.


Jerry--how much luggage?

Barb Cabot

I was reading what good weather the bay area is having. I think it should stay that way all weekend. Glad all is going well. SF is one of the best cities in the world!YOU ARE THERE!
See you domani.

Kathryn Gerth

One of my favorite cities to visit...you aren't really just going to say "visit some museums" and not go into detail with names and what you saw, are you? ARE YOU???? Have a great time.


Can't wait to hear where you eat. SF is one of the best food cities! Have fun.


Once you fly first, being back in the cattle area will be even harder to take. Isn't it wonderful up there? If I was going to ever be delayed, first class would definitely be the place to be! What's the name of the hotel in SF? Have fun and enjoy the warmth!


Katie - it was actually worse than it looks - we got out before most of the snow fell.

The City was great Brad (as always). See you on Friday.

Sandra - lots of great spots for you to visit with your brother.

Cindy - we shall have a bottle for you! LOL

Jane - luggage was under control. We may have to buy a suitcase here though.

Barb - we're looking forward to seeing you and Mike again!

Kathryn - more details will follow!

Laura - it is a short visit. The great restaurants will be limited. :-(

Girasoli - we stayed in the Handlery - it is an old hotel that has been all re-done. We have stayed here a few times and quite like it for its location and service.

We're loving the warmth!

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