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March 12, 2009


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The reuben dip, I will admit, leaves me thinking as you originally did about something not working in all venues...but now the challenge is on: I am going to have to do a little version of that and see if it works. Off to search for a recipe. Those nachos got my attention immediately! All of it looks great. What a fun gift!


All of the courses sound delicious, Jerry.

You must be sad that the cooking classes are over for now.


Kayte - one of these day's I'll post Emily's recipe . . . it was soooooo good.

Nancy - we signed up for two more! LOL


What an amazing meal. Gourmet nachos is news to me - what a great idea. That one sounds awesome!

Glad to hear than you signed up for more classes; these posts are fun to read.


Annie - the nachos were brilliant - I'll be posting the recipe . . . sometime . . .

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