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March 17, 2009


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Strangely, I have never had any type of soda bread -- even though me old Da was from Ireland!

Your recipe looks very good and when I take a break from my rather severe diet, I must give it a try.

Love the Savage Chickens cartoon.


This is great Jerry! There's an Irish Pub in my neighborhood that makes a tasty soda bread and I've always meant to make it. Now I have a recipe, so it might actually happen. 8) Thanks!


Oh, I am so glad "Mom" got to have her contribution blogged! Yep, same recipe I am using (I have my Granny's also, but this one is much more to the guys' liking as it has more sugar in it and isn't as dry). When Granny made hers, and there was always a little left over, they would crumble it in a bowl and splash a little milk on it and eat it like that...I wouldn't know, as there is exactly one small slice left here and it will be gone by morning on Matt's way to swim practice! Your loaf looks very good...and very much like mine, so I'm excited because my food never looks as good as yours!


I've never even heard of Irish Soda Bread. I am part Irish and grew up in an area with many people of Irish heritage. I would love to give this bread a try sometime but don't think I will find any here in Hawaii.


Sandra - Savage chickens are wonderful, aren't they!

Laura - it is easy - give it a shot.

Kayte - I know what you mean about the leftovers. They don't last long here either.

Girasoli - funny - Irish Soda bread is EVERYWHERE around here. I saw lots in upstate NY last weekend too. Mind you, I would imagine there would be far more asian influenced foods where you are.


Your soda bread looks very different to any that I had in Ireland. To start with it is white. It also has a much finer texture (going on the photo) than is normal for soda breads, which tend to be more crumbly.

That said, it does look suspiciously like the divine raisin bread we used to get as kids, a recipe for which I have never been able to get my hands on.

Methinks I will be giving this a go.


Robert - there was a big article in the NY Times this year explaining that what we North American's call Irish Soda Bread isn't Irish at all. It is really a nice tea bread - great with some jem or jelly . . .MMMMM

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