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March 21, 2009


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Sherry at EX Marks the Spot

Happy Weekend.
We'll all have great weekends because we're seeing so many cheery, beautiful yellow flowers!

Cindy R.

Nice photo. The plant looks very nice. I also can't wait to begin gardeneing, but like you, it's still a ways away.


Don't you love it when plants take off and surprise you? That's a nice one (and huge).

Happy first weekend of spring. We'll be digging in the garden soon!


What a happy bush! Great yellow entry.

I played too. :)


Hi! Sometimes I long to be living in a landed grounded house just so that I can have blooms of my own... I like your giant/tall flowers :)

Here's my first participation in the Photo Hunt!!



Hi! Sometimes I long to be living in a landed grounded house just so that I can have blooms of my own... I like your giant/tall flowers :)

Here's my first participation in the Photo Hunt!!



I recognize that plant. We have one and use it to block the lights from the traffic. It is huge. I bet you thought you were buying one of the smaller Rubekias not knowing you were getting the wild tall prairie version. I love all the Rubekias. Recently we've been growing a few with green centers.

barb cabot

Jerry, Are those black eyed Susans? Happy first of Spring to you and Paul. Thanks for the tip on linking photos widget. I applied and it worked. Learn so much from fellowbloggers like you. Grazie.


Beautiful shot, Jerry.

Cindy O

Lovely shot!



Marta - that is exactly what happened. of course, I had no idea that Rubekia could grow to such a height.

It sounds as if lots of us are looking forward to getting our hands dirty once again.


Beautiful plant. Not sure I have seen it before. Love the yellow flowers.


Love the story behind the lovely plant. I had a mislabeled plant in my garden but it was / is not as lovely as yours, so I had the gardener yank it out. Now I see it sprouting again... I thought it was Bird of Paradise... it is just some bush with large leaves!!! Yikes.


cheery, I love yellow flowers


Yeah, I don't know plants but those look like black-eyed susans to me too - but I didn't think they got so big!


Love the picture. I just got done with my first mow of the season. Pulled the plants out of the house and picked up four LARGE lawn bgs of pine cones. I have pine trees coming up everywhere! This is NOT good.


Eden - I guess it is one the the 'fun' aspects of gardening - putting somehting int eh ground and being shocked at what comes up.

I agree with you Kaye.

Kim - they were about 6 - 7 feet tall!

Kendall - I hope it wasn't a repeat of your mowing the lawn after 19 mimosas incidents.

Kathy (Trekcapri)

Hi Jerry, those are beautiful flowers and great for this week's theme. That really has taken off hasn't it? It's cool! Hope you get to do some gardening soon.

Have a great Sunday!

María I.

Nice photo for the theme. And I love that cool blue (adirondack?) chair! Hope spring shows up soon.


Thanks Kathy - I will be a happy guy when I can get out in the garden again!

Maria - the sad thing is that the chairs have gone out in the trash. I need to get some new ones. What a paint to paint them all over again! ARGH

BTW - up here we call them Muskoka chairs. LOL

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