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March 18, 2009


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My mom used to make a Rueben dip that was the hit of every party. Since I hate saurkraut I never understood the appeal, but apparently I'm alone!


Barbara - there are recipes out there that have a lot more sauerkraut in them than this one. I can imagine that it might get overpowering!


You always have such good recipes, Jerry!

You are my go-to recipe guy!


Thanks nancy - you're too kind!


Ah, I feel like I have struck gold...recipes for summer/spring roll dipping sauces, Paul's talapia, this Reuben dip...my lucky week. There is going to be a whole lotta ballgame watching this weekend for the NCAA playoffs, and this dip is definitely appearing tomorrow night...thank you, thank you. I'd invite you to drop by, but I have never once (I don't believe) seen any indication that you are remotely interested in the NCAA playoffs...LOL. That, and it would take you a plane, a train, several taxis, just to do the dropping by! Thanks for the recipe...oh, and the one to use up some of my Calvados with the pork chop recipe you linked in your comment on my blog...Thanks for that, too!


Kayte - I'll admit that the college basketball 'final four' isn't something that we care about a whole lot up here. Having said that, this dip makes great sports watching fare! Enjoy.

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