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April 13, 2009


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This looks delicious and I have all the ingredients!

sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

lemon vodka
Check! I'll be making these too. :-)


Now THIS intrigues.....blackberries and lemons would be great together!


I have more of the syrup so I may require a second one tonight. Warning - they pack a wallop . . . someone, other than me got decidedly silly after knocking one back. You can always increase the syrup and cut back on the lemon vodka. Play and have some fun - just be sure to send my invite when you do! LOL

sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

Bill's cough is gone after one sip... a little like tussinex according to him.

I loved it!~ just a splash of chambord is plenty for me.


Yeah - it is medicinal too! I should start charging for these recipes. I might be able to afford to go to Italy more often.

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