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April 30, 2009


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I love Greek Salads. I am too lazy to make my own but the health food near my job makes a great Greek Salad.

Now that I think about it, there are tons of Greek dishes that are so delicious. You are going to have a great time! Maybe I should start thinking about Greece.


I know what you meant about the laziness! LOL Yet this was easy to pull together. :-)


Thanks for sharing this one. I love Greek salad and haven't made on in a while.


It would be a shame to put a bottled dressing on this lovely salad...really, the recipe is incredibly easy...thanks, am stealing this one, too.


I think we'll be making lots of salads over the next while Annie. I am surprised that we don't have a Greek salad on our list!


You're right Kayte - to be honest . . . I've only been making my own dressings for a short while. I don't know why because it isn't challenging!


I love Elise's recipes. Thanks for pointing this one out. I also make all my dressings. They really are so simple, better tasting and much much cheaper in the long run. I've recently tried her buttermilk dressing. It is not bad but a little thin for my tastes.


Made this today...so so so good! Thanks! A Keeper For Sure.


I also love Greek salads and this one looks great -- the dill is a very good idea.


I agree about her site Marta - if I am looking fro a recipe it is one fo the first spots I try. I am looking forward to expanding upon my dressing 'repitoire'. Not only is hmoe made better for you but I think it is more interesting as well.

I'm glad that you liked it Kayte!

Sandra - making a salad is far easier than raviloi! LOL

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