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April 20, 2009


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sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

This is one I have to remember!


Me too. Look great!

barb cabot

Jerry they look wonderful!


You'll love them - I can't believe how such a simple recipe could taste so good.


OMG is right! Those look great and, for Martha, not impossibly difficult (altho I assume you're supposed to make your own flour for the recipe....)


Sandra - no need to grind your own grain although growing your own lemons would be a very good thing!

Cindy Ruth

These look so good. I love the flavor of blackberries and lemon together. Did you use whole milk, low fat, or skim?


Cindy - I only ever use 1 % milk.


Glad you're back in the baking saddle, but may I say "ouch" at the $400 oven repair bill? Ouch.


Going here soon! Wow.


That is what I said too Marcia - and a few others things as well. It was still cheaper than buying the new oven I want (which would likely involve a kitchen reno as well).

Kayte, you'll enjoy the trip! LOL


What a delicious sounding dessert. I have bookmarked this one. Thanks for sending a taste over to Weekend Herb Blogging #180!


Thanks rachel - they were delicious. We enjoyed them 3 times and found the leftovers just got better and better . . .

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