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April 17, 2009


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Maybe it's just me, but "thoughts on vegetables" gives me a lofty Zen kinda feeling.

"Thoughts on pork loins" brings me right back down to earth. :)

Love your "how did I get here" posts!


Thanks Annie - not too zen generally, are they? *smile* It is clear that folks out there are far more twisted than Kendall and I! LOL Thank goodness.

sandi@ the whistlestop cafe

I am going to have to get more creative with my late night searches.

This is Jerry at his best!


These always make me laugh out loud....and then, I begin to worry. What are these people planning to do with their pork loins? And who buys cheese at the Liquor Barn?

But at least I'm not the only one who suspects Canada has winter all year long!!!


Sandi - I DARE you! LOL

I have been with you on that one for some time Sandra.


Canada doesn't have winter all year long? LOL, and thanks for these musings, easier to read pre-lunch than the yummy food pics.


I have typepad, too, and I am always amazed at how people end up on my site...my favorite has to be Sexy Grandma getting out of the shower...all this from Grandma's Kitchen Table...LOL LOL.


Is that how YOU remember Marcia? I can't believe that you would have lived here as long as you did if winter lasted forever.

Oh my Kayte - that sure made me laugh! Were photos involved? Who knew that you had that type of a blog?

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