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April 11, 2009


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Gypsy at Heart

That is a magnificent building. I am going to put it on my "must see" list. Thanks for sharing.


sandi@ the whistlestop cafe

That is fabulous!

Mrs. Mecomber

WOW!!!! What an amazing building! It must be exquisite inside. I hope you have a chance to see mine.


barb cabot

Jerry, thank you for this beautiful photograph. This building is like a special piece of jewelry...a sparkling gem. Really really awesome.

Tara R.

That is a gorgeous building! Definitely has a couple triangles there


What a gorgeous building! Lots of triangle in this one. Great photo!

Happy Easter!


A gorgeous building. Great shot.


Love your take on this weeks theme. Great photo too!

I found it hard to find triangles in my house this week but I did finally find some.

Mine's up and ready...come on over!


That is beautiful. I saw several buildings for triangles but I must say - this is one of the best.


Wow, that is a magnificent structure!


Like Barb said, this is "special piece of jewelry...a sparkling gem". It really is a gorgeous building. I also had a difficult time at first finding triangles but then finally found a few.


VERY cool building!

Kathy (Trekcapri)

Hi Jerry, that's a very beautiful building and a great find for this week's photohunt theme! I also enjoyed reading about the building's history too.


Wow, that's beautiful. I wouldn't have guessed it was in Canada; it looks Mediterranean or Eastern European.


Thanks for visiting on photo hunt Saturday. It is sort of tragic that the rest of the building burned down - one has to wonder what it would be like had it been saved! If you're in Ottawa do go inside - the interior is absolutely stunning!


Gorgeous photo, Jerry! Although I work only a block or so away from Parliament Hill, I've never seen the library in quite that light. It's spectacular!


Sandra - It requires being up on the hill at about 6:30 am on a May morning . . . perhaps that is why you have missed it :-)


You couldn't have chosen anything better...this is just beautiful...great photo!


It is a gorgeous building - they did a wonderful job with the restorations.

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