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April 09, 2009


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Despite the yummy recipes, I wouldn't put Merced on your list of places to visit. It's a California Central Valley town, and if you live on the coast of CA, that pretty much says it all. Those of us on the coast tend to sneer at anything east of I-5.


Softdrink - I have been warned about that area of California - don't fret, I have no desire to go there at all! LOL It is the bay, Sonoma, and the coast for us.


Great post, I love the ten reasons to eat cilantro!


As if it isn't enough that it tastes wonderful Kalyn!


I had never known the complete value of cilantro before today! That's why I come here...for all the little bits and pieces of information packed into these posts. The chicken recipe looks like a keeper, too. I can just tell that will be a hit around here.


It was great - I should post the rice pilaf recipe too because that was amazing as well.

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