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May 07, 2009


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sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

This looks like the perfect dish for Montisi! What do you think??


There is not a vegetable that does not taste better when roasted like that, and I think even better than grilled, heresy, I know.


Sandi - do thye have broccoli in Italy?

I agree with you Marcia - roasting brings out such an interesting depth of flavours!


This sounds wonderful and there is tons of broccoli in my farmer's market right now. I'm gonna give this a try.


Annie - you'll love it. It is amazingly simple but the flavour is wonderful. My kind of recipe.

Eat Smart Age Smart

Wow! Excellent recipe. I'm surely going to experiment the recipe over the weekend. I personally think that everyone should have some broccoli stored in their fridge


I agree with you eat smart - we always have some in our fridge!

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