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June 04, 2009


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I totally get the carnitas, crispy and soft, thing you have going - in spite of this animal not exactly being kosher, I am grateful I don't keep kosher every time I can order carnitas - once of my favorites is the carnitas tostada at our local place.

barb cabot

Love Mexican food! I grew up with it...we are Japanese second generation Texans. Our Christmas meals include sushi with tamales, enchildas and chili. Carnitas....mmmm, mmmm, I'm ready and hungry. Thanks for the photo. I don't care if it's a cell phone pic, it still looks great to me.


I will start looking for a good Mexican dive in the desert. It never occurs to me to have Mexican food, but I do love carnitas and an occasional burrito (meat and cheese only). As long as they keep the rice, beans and cilantro off my plate I'm good. I also like good chilies relleno.


Marcia - apparently i shall need to exp[lore more Mexican spots when I am in CA!

Barb - that is a fascinating combination - but delicious sounding!

Palma - then you'll be able to direct us whe we visit. It must be challenging for a non cilantro, bean, tomato eating person to enjoy Mexican food - no wonder you don't have it often.

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