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June 30, 2009


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Wow, a lot happened in 1975 and alas, I remember a great deal of it!

(And I'd take The Way We Were over, say, A Star Is Born anytime!)

Happy birthday to Paul, I hope you're both having a wonderful vacation!

Barb Cabot

Happy Birthday Paul! Hope you have a wonderful celebration. I'm sure you will if Jerry has anything to say about it. More photos of the event please! Also may the next year be wonderful in every way for someone very sweet.

Cindy Ruth

Happy birthday Paul! Such a youngster. Hope you have a wonderful birthday celebration-I think lobster sounds like a wonderful thing to have.


Many Birthday wishes Paul! I hope that you had a wonderful birthday and are enjoying your vacation. Best wishes for the rest of the year and don't eat and drink too much!!


Late Happy Birthday to Paul! Enjoy the rest of your Maine vacation.


I won't touch that one Sandra! LOL

Thanks for the good woshes. paul was suitably spoiled and he quite enjoyed himself. Now if only the weather had cooperated.

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