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June 23, 2009


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I've never heard of napa cabbage - is it found in regular grocery stores? This sounds delicious.

(uh oh...please don't disown me for liking Miracle Whip!)


I LOVE miracle whip - it has its place. LOL

Nappa cabbage is shaped a bit like a head of romaine lettuce. Sometimes it is labelled as chinese lettuce. If we can get it here surely to goodness thye'd have it THERE!


This sounds great - I'm definitely going to make it soon. Thanks!


Sounds good, Jerry. And I have Napa cabbage in my fridge too!

We really enjoy Bobby Flay's cooking. Do you watch his Throwdown shows on the Food Network?


Annie - I hope that it works out for you.

Nancy - we don't watch the food network as much as we used to. I think I realized that i was already far too obsessed over food as it was. LOL I did get a copy of Flay's first cookbok when I was in the States . . . lots of goodness to try there!

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