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June 06, 2009


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That's a wonderful ad. I agree that they are "angels with paws" (and even when mine are devilish, they are angels!) I hope lots of cats get adopted at that place.

Teena in Toronto

I like the name of that place!

I played too :)


Although I am more of a dog person, I find "Angels with paws" is so appropriate to refer to our feline and canine friends. They taught us so many things, don't you think?


Great name for an adoption place. I agree with fishman - so appropriate also.


Yes, Jerry, that is an ideal photohunt shot. Every opportunity to highlight pet adoption is a good opportunity.


Angels with Paws... most of the cats most of the time. I have one.. Rhett... who is a demon, shredder, Houdini, thinks he is a human type cat. I never would classify him as an angel...
My hunt is up here.


A great ad, Jerry. And I have to agree with it as well.


Great take on the theme. I am impressed.... photohunting while on a trip to a foreign country... well foreign to you... :)


Thanks for popping by on photo hunt Saturday!


Great photo for the theme this week! Love the sign.


Thanks Girasoli - I hope that you had a great weekend.

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