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June 25, 2009


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Barb Cabot

You are the best, hilarious read in my mornings...esp when you are on a rant. You make me laugh so hard. I have never watched Jon and Kate but they have been splashed everywhere you look so I think with your comments and what I've seen I don't need to tune in to that train wreck. I did hear one person describe why they have such a viewing audience is because it is like being a lookie lou to a huge accident which is happening before your eyes...you know it's going to be ugly but you look anyway.
Be careful driving Jerry. Have a great vacation.

Cindy Ruth

Jerry, I hope your tough morning has turned into a glorious day driving to Maine. Hopefully it will be cooler and less humid there. Have a lobster roll as soon as you arrive-we all know how good food can make us feel better. Have a great time in Maine!


I am totally ignorant of all of the above... Or, should I say blissfully....
Makes me even happier I live in France.
Have a wonderful trip.


You are right on with your rants! Now that you have that out of your system, I hope you and Paul and Mom have a wonderful relaxing trip to Maine.


Amen to everything you wrote. As Funny Bunny says: "Make the stupid people shut up!".


Barb - I'm glad that you had a laugh! *smile*

We had lots of fun Cindy. I guess I should post about it shortly. There are only so many days in which to blog though.

Lucky you Katie - I wish I were more oblivious of North American pop 'culture'! How are those renovations going?

Relaxing it was Nancy!

I agree with funny bunny Rebecca! LOL

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