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June 01, 2009


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I only use Internet Explorer when I have no other choice.

Bill Gates is not one of my favorite people (don't get me started on that).


I got the same message the other day too, and after thinking about it for ho, 3 seconds, politely declined. Every new version seems to require more than just me 'adjusting' to the changes - there are ALWAYS problems that I don't know how to fix. I'm soooo glad I've avoided Vista so far, and hope the new version coming out next year is better - maybe then I'll finally buy a new computer.


I bet that there is a long line up Nancy!

I should have known better Barb. When will I learn?


I got the same message today, and thanks to you, Jerry, I declined!


A wise choice Nancy. Even though I upgraded I keep getting asked to do it again! ARGH

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