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July 27, 2009


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It was certainly worth the trip for Chocolate like that! They made my mouth water.

Cindy Ruth

That's amazing to have a chocolate shop like that on such a small island. That's so cool you were able to visit. The flavors sound divine!


I just want you to know that I am lusting after your chocolates! They look beautiful - it's a shame to eat them! Only kidding, of course.


OMG, those chocolates look -- and sound -- fantastic. I can't believe you were able to hold off and not open the box the minute you left the store.

That cool climate is probably ideal for making chocolates, too. When I was in Bologna last month, I looked for a chocolate shop that had drawn rave reviews. But they close for the summer because the heat and humidity make it impossible to produce chocolate of a high enough quality (I was crushed.)


It was a delicious way to cap off a mini-trip Sheri!

I couldn't imagine trying to create such works of chocolate art on that tiny island. The logistics alone astound me.

I do believe that they ship to CA Nancy! LOL

We had the same problem last year as well Sandra. Apparently refrigeration does not exist in Italy. *smile*

Kate Shaffer

Thank you for the lovely review. It's always so gratifying (not to mention, helpful!), to see things from the other side! We love our job and love meeting people that wander through the fog into our shop. Next time you're on the island, introduce yourself.

Kate Shaffer, chocolatier
Black Dinah Chocolatiers


Cool Kate - you do great work! I'm not sure if it is a good thing or not that you're so far away! LOL

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