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July 19, 2009


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Cindy Ruth

I thought I wouldn't like the salad with pickles, but I liked it a lot. I chopped everything by hand because I didn't see a need for the processor-I didn't think there was that much to chop. What's that on top of yours-is it feta?


I chopped my vegetables by hand, since that is the way I've always done it. Interesting about the history of the salad. In many part of the Arabic world, like Palestine, Syria and Lebanon, it is commonly known as green salad.

Your salad looks great, and I agree, it gets better after the flavors have time to blend.


Next time I will chop the veggies by hand too!

I used feta cheese on top the first time we ate it and sour cream the second time. I think I preferred the sour cream.


Yes Cindy - it is feta - I went a bit overboard (I LOVE feta! LOL).

Thanks Candi. I will follow your hand chopping advice next time.

I'll try some sour cream tonight Nancy.

Ruth Golden

I made this recipe again tonight for a Hanukkah celebration at my house; love the colors, aromas, and taste of this salad. Would not change a thing. Thanks for the historical perspective.


Ruth - I am glad to hear that you and your guests enjoyed this salad!

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