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July 21, 2009


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I say, turn Beckett loose and let Nature take Her course! (I really, really hate birds)


I may have to dash to the bathroom I am laughing so hard.

If we did let nature take its course we might have bits of corpses to pick up - Beckett is known for leaving mouse heads on the bed and other wonderful tricks. I am not sure that I can handle that!

Cindy Ruth

That's a great picture!


Tell Beckett to get a grip on it. Those birds are too sweet for his savage tendencies.
By the way, I buy these tiny stuffed mice that about an inch long for my cats. They are the perfect size to fit in their paws and toss. They love them.


Is it appropriate to say congrats on the new babies? I hope they don't start pooping all over your porch;-)


Thanks Cindy.

We have been crareful to keep Mr Beckett in the house Kendall. To be honest he isn't sure what to make of birds - he only seems to go after mice.

Rebecca - not to gross anyone out but I'll need the powerwasher! Perhaps it is good fertilizer for the garden.

Gail Hecko

Jerry, that is a fabulous photograph. The flower looks like an Easter bonnet. Too cute.


Thanks Gail. Sadly the babies are all grown and gone now. It took me about a week to power wash all of the poop off of the deck! LOL

Rebecca was wise!

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