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September 13, 2009


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Barb Cabot

Jerry, rich and gooey and just the way I like things. Thanks.


OMG! This sounds so wonderfully delicious. A must try. Thank you for sharing.

Cindy Ruth

A warm gooey crab dip. Always delicious, and yours seems to fit into that category. I'm trying to make make small bites all healthy-we'll see how long that lasts.


Wow, you were't kidding about the high calories. But, I'm SO going to make this. What's not to love about four different cheeses AND crab?


LOL @ Barb - this is a great 'pick-me-up' dish.

Enjoy Eden - I wish I could get the great crab that you can get in your neck of the woods.

Cindy - I have decided tat ererything is healthy in moderation. This philosophy (combined with exercise) has allowed me to drop - and keep off - close to 60 pounds so it must be working.

I'm with you on the cheese and crab Deborah - who knew it went so well together?

sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

This looks like a keeper to me!


Sandi - I bet you have a file box full of delicious crab dips by now! LOL

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