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October 04, 2009


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Jerry, glad you had a decent trip over. You must be so thrilled - sipping coffee on the terrace sounds marvellous!! I hope Paul's cold doesn't linger - raising my teacup to good health. Have fun wandering around, that is one of the BEST parts of travelling, isn't it?!


Say hi to the Acropolis for me. :-D

Have fun exploring the city, and hopefully Paul wakes up with his cold gone!

Barb Cabot

Taking your time and enjoying the freedom to do nothing but relax. Spoken like a true slowtraveller. Get well soon Paul.


I'm glad your flights to Athens went smoothly and that you are enjoying your first days in a new city. Enjoy!


It all sounds wonderful, and you are smart to do it your way in Athens, you will be happy with that decision, I can tell. Safe travel about there and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!


Glad your flights were good. Sitting on your terrace sipping coffee and listening to the sounds of the city sounds wonderful! Hope Paul if feeling better today. Enjoy!!

María I.

Glad to hear that you are enjoying your first days in Athens. Hope Paul is feeling better.


Yay! I'm excited to hear (and see) more. You're off to a great start, sitting on the terrace sipping coffee!


Poor Paul's cold has come back. He is one of those silly folk who doesn't load up on drugs - were it me I would be popping cold pills like candy. It might be bad but the cold does go away.

jill - we're visiting the acropolis today - I'll be sure and say hi for you!

Guess what i'm doing right now?

Yup . . . sitting on teh terrace, drinking coffee, and watching Athens come alive.

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