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October 12, 2009


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Have a fabulous cruise! Too bad about the changes but sounds like you are both making the best of it.

sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

See if you can get into the kitchen... that is where the action will be.

Find a shady spot and enjoy!


I hate when things get completely changed like that!

But you are right - you ARE cruising rather than (God forbid) working.

Have a great time and take lots of pictures.


A positive attitude is everything.
I've been on this type of cruise twice and on a ferry once in the Greek Isles.
It is a very beautiful place to cruise.

Barb Cabot

Your there and I'm sure it will be wonderful. Enjoy everything.


Oops, my comment never got here, but I just wanted to say you are certainly making the best of an interesting situation - out on the beautiful waters, and under the beautiful skies, you will have a great time. WalMart cruise, priceless . . . look forward to the report.


I'm good with changes - my strengths (believe it or no) are in being flexible and tolerant of change. Who knew?

Because our expectations were so low we were plesantly surprised with how much we enjoyed it.

It is all in your attitude! LOL

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