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October 10, 2009


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Interesting pic for the theme Jerry.


Wow, seems like white is the favored color for structures in Athens! :O

Hootin' Anni

Amazing photo!!!

My sports blog is posted...come on over if you can find time...

It's HERE for your viewing pleasure

A. @ A Changing Life

It fits so snugly into the surroundings! These ancient arenas are amazingly large. Even the Roman theatre in Orange surprised me.


Great shot, Jerry! I love it!


that was a very interesting picture and post. If you want to wander down my road I’m home.


Lucky you, Jerry! You're in the middle of the birthplace of modern sport. Very appropriate timing for PhotoHunt, huh?

Cindy Ruth

I was hoping I'd see a sports photo from Greece. Thanks for not disappointing.


Lovely photo -- an unusual contribution to the theme.


At first I was wondering what sports you were watching in Athens until you mentioned the ancient stadiums. Perfect for this weeks theme. Nice tie in with your vacation also. It sounds like it is going really well. I've been enjoying your posts on sightseeing in Athens and your apartment.


What a huge stadium!

This is my first time joining photo hunt,hope you can take a peek on my Athlete Spirit entry


It's amazing how built up it is all around the stadium. Interesting view.


It is funny the perspective that one gets form up above . . . you really get a sense of how it is built into the hills. That isn't as apparent from the ground.

Thanks for visiting on photo hunt Saturday.

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