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October 09, 2009


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Barb Cabot

So happy you made up to this spectacular looking hilltop. What a grand view. It gave me chills to keep scrolling down and each photo, more amazing with the change of daylight into night. Simply breathtaking. Thank you Jerry.

sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

Now THAT's a memory that you will carry with you!
Thanks for sharing it.


I'm glad you are having such a wonderful time. The pictures are beautiful! It seems as if Athens does deserve more than a couple of days!


Incredible pics Jerry. Now my daughter is really clamoring for a trip to Athens!


Those photos are gorgeous. I'm so glad you listened to your friend. Amazing setting for a sunset!

Happy Cruise. Spring for the internet at least once or twice!


WOW, Jerry. Incredible photos! Thank you for sharing.


Jerry, I am really enjoying your posts from Athens!


Beautiful views and an amazing sunset!


Fantastic photos, Jerry. What an amazing experience!


It really was one of the most memorable experiences of the trip. It was while we were sitting watching the sun set over the mountains to the west that Paul said 'I wish we had more time in Athens. I can't imagine why people would only see Athens as a day trip.'

I think he 'gets' slow travel!

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