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January 09, 2010


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Hootin' Anni

I think I've seen the very same ones years ago when we visited San Diego.

You ask how cold is it here in South Texas?.....well, my answer [and bulky plumage of bird] is my Photo Hunt Post today. LOL


Great take on the theme. Love seeing that blue blue water on this freezing morning. Happy weekend.


Great shot and take on the theme! Love sea lions:)

Happy weekend!


I miss San Diego. I love those animals and great take on the theme.

Mrs. Mecomber

Nice photos, Jerry! Yes, I sense a theme too.. hmmm

I goofed for Photo Hunters this week, and did "12" instead of "Bulky." :S Oops. But I decided to leave it up because it's appropriate for this week... and because I didn't want to spend an hour doing a different post! I hope you can visit.


Have a blessed New Year!
Mrs. Mecomber

sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

I hope they have thier sunscreen on:-)

'Bulky' could have been Paul's finger dressing, I hope its healing nicely. No washing dishes for a while.


Great shot of some definitely bulky critters.


They are bulky ones, of course. I think I heard that the ones at Pier 39 in SF have moved their bulky selves somewhere... Wonder where they went.

Scott Law

How cool is that? Great take on the theme! I love all the different ways people can approach it.
Drop by and see mine here.


Love it! Great take on the theme this week. Sea lions are such beautiful creatures.


am also amazed how can they left themselves up out from the water with their bulkiness. happy hunting! :)

Kathy (Trekcapri)

Hi Jerry, great photo and take on the bulky theme. I had to smile when reading your observation of the two themes back to back...

Have a great day!


Eden - I read somewhere thet they appeared in oregon. Perhaps a change in scenery was needed.

Thanks for visiting on photohunt Saturday!

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