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January 05, 2011


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I agree with everything you said! LOL and Thanks. They ARE the best, (followed by butterscotch budino and Nutella gelato). I'm so glad you trust me, although the Veal Bolognese is right up there too!

sandi@ the whistlestop cafe

I'm being nice... bless your heart!
My best thing had to be those ravioli in Ravenna... and they were... You guessed it...
Pear and gorgonzola!
So now I must try your souffle.


Sold! If and when I ever make it to Vegas, I'm getting this for sure.

Best thing I ate in 2010 was an artichoke soup I had in Venice. I'll never forget it.


Hmmm - veal bolognese would be tasty right about now!

You'll like it Annie and Sandi

Annie - isn't it a shame thta our 'bets things' are so darn far away! ARGH Or perhaps that is a GOOD thing! LOL

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