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March 09, 2011


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Cooking Light shines again!!!! I cross the border into Washington just to get Mexican ingredients like queso fresca and fresh corn tortillas. No such thing here.


Nothing like a bowl of flavorful stew for dinner on a cold and dark evening...this looks really wonderful and so does the cornbread. You have such nice dishware, it always sets of the food just right.

Cindy Ruth

I saw this recipe and thought it sounded really good. Glad to know you tried it.


We're lucky in the summer bellini - we have a huge fruit farm north of us that has many workers from mecico. They grow the most amazing tomatillas and peppers.

It had better Kayte - I bought it especially fro food shots. It's true . . .bloggers are nuts.

It is amazing Cindy - like all stews it gets better the second day.

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